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y r all porn stars blonde and look lyk barbie jeez dnt they hae a life or r dey lyk da losers dat watch dis PERVERTS They are very different players, and very similar with their amazing strokes and technical play. It's more than grotesque consumerism and spandex sodden with man juices. The only thing that separates them is the drive. and will try to smash into the TV if we don't call her back. Except..I don't have a PS3 or a HDTV o_O Pfft, like i need it... (makes a bookmark) Wireless Sixaxis also doubling as a mouse. lol at the 1st picture with the finger. As expected from world rank no1. Great job Nadal! So, he should have used a Tazer? This is one thing that I will never understand... 9| 9o| 1q|