How to Do Spiral Meditation

How to Do Spiral Meditation

Spiral Meditation is a technique used in Healing Touch. Through this process, all of the major chakras are connected in a single spiral pattern. As Dr. Brugh Joy stated, an individual performing or receiving this meditation is "entering into a more universal state of consciousness." To learn the Spiral Meditation, read the steps below.


Stand behind your client and center yourself. Visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.


Begin by having your client lie on their back on a bed or massage table. Stand behind them and begin to center your attention on your heart. Imagine a ball of light radiating from your heart then spreading down your arms and into your palms.


Place your right hand on your client's heart. Imagine that you are transferring light from your hand into the heart. Hold this position for 1 to 3 minutes then proceed to the next chakra in the pattern.


Move your right hand in a clockwise motion tracing a spiral pattern on your client's body beginning with the heart. Send loving light from your palm into their solar plexus (between belly button and heart).


Continue to move through the body in a spiral motion stopping at the following points to send healing light: high heart (between throat and heart), spleen, abdomen (sacral center between belly button and groin), throat, root (area below groin), brow (forehead), knees, crown (top of head), ankles and transverse point (area six to eight inches above the head).


Close the spiral (and conclude the meditation) by reversing the process beginning at the transverse point working counterclockwise to the feet, crown, knees, brow, root, throat, abdomen, spleen, high heart, solar plexus and heart.

Tips & Warnings

When focusing on the knees and ankles, activate both palms and place your hands on both knees and ankles.

When pausing on the transverse point, point your palm at the ceiling.

Closing the spiral can be done quickly by pausing briefly over each chakra point.